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Help hard-hit people get out of Crisis #Sri Lanka

An unprecedented economic crisis is unfolding in Sri Lanka. The Sri Lankan rupee is plunging to a record low against the U.S. dollar. Inflation rates are continuously on the rise and have already reached double digits. Import controls are in effect that is leading to island-wide shortages of essential items. And the country is teetering on the edge of default.

Fuel, food, and medicine – mostly imported – are scarce, and rising prices are putting what remains out of reach for many Sri Lankans. Power generation-long dependent on fuel and hydropower plants has been put out of service due to the current dry season and the lack of imported fuel. Power interruptions are now routine. Schools have been compelled to close early due to the blackouts, while exams have also been canceled as even printing paper is hard to come by. The price of cooking gas, for example, is almost three times higher than it was just five months ago. Long queues for essential items are now a common sight over the island. The long waits, sometimes overnight, have proven extremely tedious and even claimed three elderly lives. Difficulties in supplying fuel for generators and shortages in essential medicine have stalled surgical operations and ICU treatments of patients in some hospitals. And the rising cost of medicines is adding to a medical emergency of high proportions.

Further, with the traditional festive season quite close, inflation is likely to rise further on the back of both increased demand and a depreciating currency. This would mean further economic hardship and possible social unrest that may result from the inability to celebrate and perform traditional observances considered important to a vast number of celebrants. These burring problems have given rise to tensions and sparked the biggest protests seen in years and the growing protests and the austerity measures demanded by the lenders are likely to increase the political and economic instability of the country, in the future.

In this scenario of an impending humanitarian catastrophe where the vulnerable are made more destitute and helpless, the Sri Lanka Red Cross Society intends to intervene to mitigate suffering. Therefore, the Sri Lanka Red Cross Society being the leading humanitarian service provider, expect to provide essential consumer goods to the most vulnerable communities and deliver essential medicines to hospitals.

But all that needs your generosity and kindness to succeed. A simple donation would mean the world to someone in this crisis-ridden country. Children may eat a meal that was denied for days. The elderly may get their medication in state-funded hospitals and not need to resort to expensive alternative medicines elsewhere, even only if it was available there. The ripple effects from humanitarian organizations such as the Red Cross stand to make a difference.

And it would all begin with your contribution, and your empathy and kindness.

Sri Lanka’s largest and leading humanitarian aid provider seeks your generous helping hand at this critical moment to mitigate the enormous suffering of the most vulnerable segments of its populace.
Help hard-hit people get out of Crisis #Sri Lanka
+ 120 givers have donated to this campaign

US$10,422 Raised

Of US$500,000 Goal

from 120 Givers

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About Sri Lanka Red Cross Society

The Sri Lanka Red Cross Society (SLRCS) ( is the largest humanitarian organization in the island serving people by protecting human lives and dignity overlookin... LEARN MORE srilankaredcross slredcross 0094115347000
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